Internal Workshops

Internal Workshops
Internal Workshops

DateTheme and title Speaker(s)Presentation material(s)
27 March 2025Contemporary Research on ESG and Chinese AccountingProf Yangxin YU, City University of Hong Kong
17 October 2024RGC Grant Proposal Development WorkshopProf Louis CHENG, HSUHKe-flyer
10 October 2024[RIB x CTL] HSUHK Symposium on Using Generative AI (ChatGPT) for Enhancing Academic Teaching(1) Ms Laura CAVANNA, HSUHK
(2) Dr Christine CHOY, HSUHK
(3) Prof Eric TSUI, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
(4) Mr Kelvin WAN, HSUHK
(5) Dr Simon WANG, Hong Kong Baptist University
(6) Ms Rosalie WOO, HSUHK
25 July 2024Cross-themes
Strategies for Publishing in CABS 3 and 4 Journals and Current Research Trends
Dr Giray GOZGOR, University of Bradfoarde-flyer
19 June 2024
Theme 5: Pedagogy, Teaching and Case Research
(1)Enhancing ESG Curriculum Through Interactive and Competitive Learning Experiences
(2)Students’ Perceived Employability during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Hong Kong
(1) Prof Louis CHENG, HSUHK
(2) Dr Pauline WONG, HSUHK
5 June 2024
Theme 2: Consumer and Organizational Behaviour
Time of Day and Consumers’ Relative Preferences for Algorithm-Based versus Human Recommendations
Prof Tak Zhongqiang HUANG, University of Hong Konge-flyer
17 May 2024Theme 2: Consumer and Organizational Behaviour
Organising the Introduction Section and Identifying its Position and Contributions
Prof AHLSTROM David, Chinese University of Hong Kong & Hong Kong Metropolitan University e-flyer

9 May 2024Theme 4: Ethics and Sustainability (including Junzi and ESG)
How the Global Digital Labour Platform Model Undermines Workers’ Rights
Dr Kelle Howson, Institute for Economic Justice and Oxford Internet Institutee-flyer
2 May 2024Theme 3: Cross-Cultural Management and International Markets
The Duality of Control and Autonomy and Implications for International Management
Prof Chun HUI, University of Hong Konge-flyer
20 December 2023Theme 4: Ethics and Sustainability (including Junzi and ESG)
Climate change: mitigation vs adaptation
Prof James SMITH, Southern Methodist Universitye-flyer

Prof. James Smith – Climate change: mitigation vs adaptation
30 November 2023Theme 1: Contemporary Issues in Capital Markets and Economics
The Fear of Divorce: Evidence from Corporate Innovation
Dr Cheng ZENG, The Hong Kong Polytechnic Universitye-flyer
14 September 2023Theme 1: Contemporary Issues in Capital Markets and Economics
Does Pandemic Affect Household Portfolio Choice? Evidence from the 2009 H1N1 Pandemic
Prof LEUNG Ka Yui Charles, City University of Hong Konge-flyer
24 July 2023RIB Research Roundtable across All Themes
21 July 2023Theme 4: Ethics and Sustainability (including Junzi and ESG)
HSUHK CESG x RIB Workshop: Understanding ESG Data for Your Research
Vivi Hu (YoujiVest): Cutting Edge ESG Data | Advancing Sustainability
Zhongyan Zhang (CSMAR): ESG 數據介紹與應用
Dr. Jiangyu Ji (SynTao Green Finance): STGF ESG Rating Data and Applications
6 July 2023Theme 2: Consumer and Organizational Behaviour
Where Have All the Flowers Been From: A Behavioral Implication of Mobility
Dr Vincent WONG, City University of Hong Konge-flyer
7 June 2023Theme 1: Contemporary Issues in Capital Markets and Economics
The Motherhood Penalty: Universal Two-Child Policy and Analysts Forecasts
Dr Jing ZHAO, Hong Kong Polytechnic Universitye-flyer
9 May 2023Theme 2: Consumer and Organizational Behaviour
Getting a Good Start on Your Research: Writing Up and Organizing the Introduction Section of Your Paper
Prof David AHLSTROM, Chinese University of Hong Konge-flyer
8 May 2023Theme 3: Cross-Cultural Management and International Markets
The Research Publication Process – The Journeys of Two Papers
Prof Margaret A. SHAFFER, University of Oklahomae-flyer
17 November 2022Theme 1: Contemporary Issues in Capital Markets and Economics
Embracing Research Opportunities in China
Prof Donghui WU, Chinese University of Hong Konge-flyer
13 October 2022RGC Grant Preparation Workshop: Reflection and How to Improve Your Chances of Success
Prof Louis CHENG, HSUHKe-flyer
29 September 2022Theme 5: Pedagogy, Teaching and Case Research
Developing Pedagogical Research and Writing Skills Leading to Refereed Journal Publications for HSU Academic Staff (SDG) (Part III)
Dr Christine ARMATAS, Hong Kong Polytechnic Universitye-flyer
22 September 2022Theme 1: Contemporary Issues in Capital Markets and Economics
Empirical Research on Chinese Accounting Issues: Experience Sharing
Prof Phyllis MO, City University of Hong Konge-flyer
18 August 2022Theme 2: Consumer and Organizational Behaviour &

Theme 3: Cross-Cultural Management and International Markets

2022 RIB Summer Research Camp – Task Interdependence in Multiteam Systems: Synergy, Process Loss and the Moderating Impact of Communication Mode and Team Member Diversity
Prof John R. HOLLENBECK, Michigan State Universitye-flyer
26 July 2022Theme 4: Ethics and Sustainability (including Junzi and ESG)
2022 RIB Summer Research Camp – A Round Table Discussion on ethical Leadership and Team Creativity
Dr Lewis JEONG, Lingnan Universitye-flyer
14 July 20222022 RIB Summer Research Camp – Internal Sharing Workshop
24 June 2022Theme 1: Contemporary Issues in Capital Markets and Economics
2022 RIB Summer Research Camp – A Roundtable Discussion on Current Topics in Accounting and Finance Research
(1) Prof Giray GOZGOR, Istanbul Medeniyet University
(2) Dr Liu ZHENG, City University of Hong Kong
21 June 2022Theme 2: Consumer and Organizational Behaviour &

Theme 3: Cross-Cultural Management and International Markets

2022 RIB Summer Research Camp – A Round Table Discussion on Research Trends on Green Consumption and Human-Technology Interaction
(1) Prof Kimmy CHAN, Hong Kong Baptist University
(2) Prof Ricky CHAN, Auckland University of Technology
9 June 2022Theme 3: Cross-Cultural Management and International Markets
Cross-Cultural Management – Some Thoughts about Dos and Don’ts
Prof Ying-yi HONG, Chinese University of Hong Konge-flyer
11 May 2022Theme 1: Contemporary Issues in Capital Markets and Economics
Corporate Governance and SOE Reform, A China Perspective
Dr Jerry CAO, HSUHKe-flyer
6 May 2022Theme 1: Contemporary Issues in Capital Markets and Economics
How CSR and Sustainability is Changing the World of Finance?
Dr Angus YOUNG, Hong Kong Baptist Universitye-flyer
5 May 2022Theme 3: Cross-Cultural Management and International Markets Theme-based Research Workshops
(1) Prof Arup VARMA, Loyola University Chicago
(2) Dr Linda WANG, HSUHK
28 April 2022Theme 4: Ethics and Sustainability (including Junzi and ESG)
Qualitative Approaches to Researching Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Dr Tiffany LEUNG, City University of Macaue-flyer
7 April 2022Theme 5: Pedagogy, Teaching and Case Research
Developing pedagogical research and writing skills leading to refereed journal publications for HSU academic staff (SDG)
Dr Christine ARMATAS, Hong Kong Polytechnic Universityslides
20 January 2022Theme 5: Pedagogy, Teaching and Case Research
Publishing Pedagogical Research Using Your Classes: Identifying Research Topics and Understanding Learning Analytics (Part I)
Dr Christine ARMATAS, Hong Kong Polytechnic Universitye-flyer
13 January 2022Theme 1: Contemporary Issues in Capital Markets and Economics Theme-based Research Workshop
2 December 2021Designing Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP) markets with intention: The making of healthcare services through jugaad practices”
Dr Ronika CHAKRABARTI, The University of Dubline-flyer
25 November 2021Theme 4: ESG Integration Theme-based Research Workshop
Prof Louis CHENG, HSUHKe-flyer
18 November 2021Theme 3: Cross-Cultural Management and International Markets
Voice Behavior: A Dyadic Integrative Framework
Dr LAM Chak Fu, City University of Hong Konge-flyer
7 October 2021Theme 1: Contemporary Issues in Capital Markets and Economics
Engaging in Research Projects That Are Publishable in Both Accounting and Finance Journals
Prof CHEN Yangyang, City University of Hong Konge-flyer
30 September 2021Theme 2: Consumer and Organizational Behaviour
Revisiting Service Triangle: The Interplay among Employees, Customers and Technology
Prof Kimmy CHAN, Hong Kong Baptist Universitye-flyer
13 August 2021Theme 4: Ethics and Sustainability (including Junzi and ESG) Theme-based Research Workshop
22 June 2021Marketing and
Management Workshop

15 June 2021Theme 5: Pedagogy, Teaching and Case Research Workshop
(1) Dr Christine ARMATAS, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
(2) Prof Louis CHENG, HSUHK
(3) Dr John LEUNG
9 June 2021ACY and EAF Workshop